ready for your mystical, magical makeover? if so, come on in beautiful muse!
ready for your mystical, magical makeover? if so, come on in beautiful muse!

welcome to your mystical magical muse sanctuary beloved one,
where your sacred remembrance rebirth & magical makeover awaits you so you can mamafest the most magical life of your dreams!

your magical makeover private session
{one time non-refundable payment}
1 {P R I V A T E} session for sacred soul’s seeking C H A N G E & know they were born to be changemakers & need support during this life transition to up level to a wholly anew you! A unique one on one spiritual + life coaching session to support you in the current season you are living in + the anew season you are wishing to M A M A F E S T! This alchemical activating soul session leaves you with tangible to do’s as well as transformative truths to support you in a holistic way. The alchemical reading includes {archetypal medicine, numerology, astrology, human design + my intuitive live support} .
free 15min complimentary are we a ‘rite’ fit session!
want to know if a magical makeover is what you are needing this season?!


phoenix priestess podcast
receive magical makeover messages!

spanglish sanadora sazonando con saciedad por mas de 2 décadas y su spice which she likes ‘to serve’ son las madres y mujeres místicas ;}
I support mystics, healers, artists + more aka changemakers in feeling gorgeously ready in their wholly vehicle of a body & soul + grounded ‘enough’ to share their soul’s golden gifts on this sacred earth N O W in order to be sacred soulmidwive stewards in service of LOVE in this century!
for those who like/need a lil background on peeps you don’t know but are curious about… pls note: everything below has a dash of messy & a dose of the daily mundane in between…
poetess, soulmidwife, shaman, spiritual mentor, speaker, yogini, rite’s of passage celebrant, life & death doula, life, minimalist & conscious mothering coach, mystic muse mentor, priestess, & founder at the MMM Sanctuary.
proud wife & mama of 3 lil {not so lil’!} precious beings whom by far are my greatest teachers of transformation on this sacred earth.
my sacred soul mamafestor mandala:
mystic & great mother archetypes,
north node in Virgo, sun in Libra, rising in Sagittarius, moon in Cancer
6/2 sacral generator
numerology 6/8/8
alchemical astrological activation meditation to close out the astro year 2024-2025 {full moon virgo lunar eclipse!}